We have come out to Logandale to the fair a few times since the family moved out here and we knew it was kind of a big deal for the locals here, I had no idea just HOW big a deal it was. Like pull your kids out of school and of you don't you are on the teachers naughty list big deal. So with excused absences we packed up and headed to the county fair. The wind started to blow right away but we would not be deterred. We started off with pony rides for the girls. I couldn't get a decent shot for the life of me, that seemed to be a running problem for the whole day so please don't judge by the following crappy photos!!
The Camel rides LOOKED like they would be fun but it was the biggest waste of money I spent the whole weekend! It cost $12 for my kids to get on the dang thing only to be walked in a small circle and the dismounted. I got 1 shot then the lady came up to me and wanted me to sign my credit card receipt so I got no other photos. The people running it were rude and ornery and I told anyone who I saw contemplating the camel ride NOT to waste their money. Hopefully I cost them some money!!
We headed over to the fine arts exhibits to see 3 ginormous ribbons on a quilt made by my sweet and very talented mother in law. She won all the top prizes. Best of Show, Best of Class and Champion. I am so proud of her and she worked so very hard on that quilt, it really was a labor of love for her! Can you see the smile on her face, it was so fun to see the elation exploding out of her!
The theme for the whole fine arts exhibits was Somewhere Over the Rainbow and let me tell you it was so dang cute in there!! I wish I had had my flash with me so i could get some more pictures because it was just too dark and my camera would work with no available light!
I think the favorite thing was the small animal exhibits. The chickens rabbits and lets not forget the baby pigs, I think we spent an hour over with the mama and her piglets collectively over the whole weekend. I have to say those babies were pretty cute!
After we saw all the animal exhibits the wind really started to pick up so we stopped in to the big tent to catch the last half of the Allycats doo-wop musical groups show. It was so fun, the kids loved it enough to sit through it again on Saturday! We even went home with a couple CD's and have had fun be bopping to some classics while the kids get ready for school in the mornings!
Friday of the fair I was working in a booth selling tickets and so I just let the 3 older kids loose with their friends to do the carnival. They didn't mind that is was freezing!! Saturday was crazy weather as well, it went from hurricane wind and rain to snow and back to wind, only to come to a complete calm for rodeo Saturday night! Saturday afternoon Colby got to participate in the mutton bustin. I missed it because Bonnie fell asleep but thanks to my big brother Mitch we got some funs shots of the action.
He was pretty excited before hand with no experience he didn't even seem to care!! I tell ya the confidence in these kids is inspiring!! As you can see from the pics below that his ride didn't las very long but he didn't even care that he only lasted about a second and a half!! He got $5 prize money and that bought him a toy gun and he was a happy as can be!! I wish I could have been there to see it!
ll in all the a good time was had at the fair, lets hope next year the weather is a bit more cooperative!
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