Yesterday I had the best birthdy a mother of 4 could ask for in so many ways. Except for the fact that I am now IN my 30's, when I was just 30 I was JUST 30 Now I'm IN my 30's, so when people say how old is she they will say oh in her 30's........OUCH!! Well here is the top 4 of my day...
1. 1st day of school, meaning I got to have a quiet house for my birthday.
2. I got to send my kids away so that I was able to miss them while they were gone and love to see them when they got home.
3. Dinner at my mostest favoritest restaraunt Geisha Steak House, with the kids. It's a fun place to eat but especially with kids, mostly 4 year olds, if you have a 4 year old I recommend taking them to geisha steak house, they probably wont eat anything but they are entertainment all in of themselves.
That's right I finally got my new 5D that I have been coveting for a year!! Oh and she is so beautiful. I actually cried. Terry said it was 12 months same a cash so thats practially free...right???
Well I totally don't know what I'm doing and I am finding out fast how much I have to learn. Maybe I can apeal to Becky to give me some mentoring.
I also want to give a shout out to all of my family who remembered to give me a call (or a text Shannon) I love to hear form you all and I just made my day!!