
3 weeks Really???

I know I have been absent for a while. I have just been extremely busy lately and it seems like blogging is the thing that I let slide. I have been checking all of your blogs every so often but I just haven't had the time or energy to update my own. I am working on a post with pictures of what I have been up to. And come Saturday night I should have some great pictures from Bonnie & Coopers 1st birthday party. Jamie and I have been working on this for a few weeks now and it is going to be quite the PAR-TAY. Candyland is the theme and I think the candy buffet will be the best part. Here is the invitation and if you didn't get one let me know and I'll get you all the info!!


Sommer said...

Love those graphics! May I ask where you got them?


Kristin said...

I copied them from "Ryan & Trista's" sons first birthday party invitations and did my own info in photoshop!

Janae said...

A really cute b-day invite!
Glad your back in the blogging world:)