It's been an ugly cry kinda day. You know the kind, where you get all red and snotty and puffy? While I have had such an outpouring of love and support some days I just want to crawl back in bed and deal with it all another day. I packed up my Christmas plate collection, knowing that one of my favorite holiday traditions would not be celebrated this year. I found a recipe for a really yummy cake I was going to try but I remember my oven is broken. I haven't touched my camera in days and I miss taking pictures! I wanted to iron the ginormous pile of clothes so that I don't start our time in our new home behind on laundry but my dang ironing board is broken. Everything seems to be setting me off today!
WOW...Holy complaining batman!!
Enough of that. I am so blessed and am seeing it in so many ways. I have three wonderful friends that will bring us dinner this week. I have a wonderful sister and brother in law who have paid to do the paint job on my trailer. I have wonderful parents in law that are willing to let us turn their lives completely up side down while we start our new life. I have a husband who works so hard all day then comes home and has to put up with the mess and disarray not to mention fielding whining calls from me all day!! So while I am sad about my Christmas plates, I have so much more to be thankful for! Please pay no attention to the bipolarness of this post, I started with my pity party then had a quick change of heart! I know that the lord blesses us in so man ways that I should never feel lost or forgotten! I share all this because it is very cathartic for me to share, while it is probably sharing too much and letting you all in on a very personal situation it helps for me to open up!! So thanks for reading and continuing your support!!